Pile of Books on Wooden Table

FISD Library News and Resources

Promoting a love of reading & lifelong learning

2023-2024 Library Links and Resources

FISD: Library Links and Resources provide you with all of our current subscriptions.

If you ever have a library link or resources that are having issues, contact Callie Weikert at FHS ext: 7115

These resources can also be found in the ClassLink FISD Library Resources Folder


Username: Franklin ISD

Password: lions

Discovery Education

Both teachers and students will log in with their school-issued Google accounts.


BrainPOP for FMS:


Educator Code: LBWM4374

There is no longer a "shared" account for the FMS campus. Each teacher must create their own login with the above educator code.

BrainPOPjr for RRE:


Educator Code: NYEL2517

There is no longer a "shared" account for the RRE campus. Each teacher must create their own login with the above educator code.


Contact your campus librarian!

RRE: Mrs. Emily Grigg - egrigg@franklinisd.net

FMS: Mrs. Ashley Rotondo - arotondo@franklinisd.net

FHS: Mrs. Callie Weikert - cweikert@franklinisd.net